A ride-on toy is something families have been purchasing for their little ones for generations since the invention of bikes and cars. Why should you buy one? And is a ride-on toy suitable for babies and toddlers? We give you tips on what benefits a ride-on toy can bring to children’s early childhood development journey as sensory toys and toys to develop gross motor skills.

Ride on toddler motorbike

As part of an essential phase of early childhood development and baby growth, motor skills development is proven to be crucial for your baby and toddler. Probably most of us will be able to recognise the physical benefit of a ride on toy on promoting GROSS and FINE motor skills. 

Don’t underestimate the potential of a ride-on toy developing their FINE MOTOR SKILL. Manipulating the handlebars, controlling how much leg power to put on the ride-on toy to go further or shorter distance, fine-tuning their ability to turn the toy at corners etc. all encourage the coordination between the hands, arms, legs, and feet. 


On the other hand, when your child is playing with their siblings or other children, a lovely bigger toy like this can teach them the magic of sharing and cooperation. These don’t come naturally and their willingness to listen, share, and cooperate can be developed by sharing their lovely ride-on toy with their siblings and friends. Building this level of thinking as early as possible can truly prevent a lack of social skills when they grow older. 


When using a ride-on toy, most parents would simply not allow them to charge about without basic rules and respect for others around them. This is a great opportunity to develop their understanding of following traffic rules, respects for others, and consider the consequences of their actions. The earlier they understand hitting someone with their ride-on toy can create bad results, or even hurt other children, they will be able to learn their actions lead to different consequences. You can guide them through their playing to learn what to do to make sure good consequences will happen. 

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